At the very beginning, Flash is a very fun and interesting because I don't really like to use Final Cut Pro as there are many short cut keys. The reason I hate to use short cut keys because I don't really know how to use MAC so that is a little bit confuse for Window users. Go back to the topic, Flash, it was fun but it is getting harder and harder. I don't know when I should insert "Keyframes" and "Frames". 

After the lessons, lecturer wants us to use flash to do a animation video ( I don't know what it called), and it is our final assignment (Assignment 3). At first, I have no idea to do this assignment so I went to Youtube and watch how others do their Flash and I get the ideas from there. I spent 1 week to complete it and I feel so excited after I finished this assignment because it really suffered me! =( 

I let Mr.Alex to check for my assignment. "Overall is okay, but there are still some mistake you should correct it." Mr. Alex said. He said the animation I used should crops it properly by using Adobe Photoshop and so forth. Now, I can't wait to pass up this assignment! =D 
At first, it was really hard for me because I don't know what poster is even though I always see poster everywhere especially in shopping mall. First of all, We draw a draft for the PSA poster design first, then, we started to design it. Eileen and I are in-charge this task because only both of us are taking Visual Communication among my group mates. We posted our poster to Facebook as our lecturer of Visual Communication need to choose which poster design is qualify enough to participant this competition. Even though my poster design was chosen by Ms.ivy but there were still a tons of things to correct. I went to ask Mr.Alex opinion about the poster design, he taught me and give me some idea regarding to the poster. *Thank you so much, sir =)*  I spent 2 weeks to finish my task. It was long! yea, it is because my laptop doesn't have Adobe Photoshop so I need to stay at campus and do it. Meanwhile, I lacked of time to do it because I have to practice for performing arts assignment. Although I had a tough time of doing this assignment but I did learn something from here and I gained my experience. 

By the way, we have two different size of the poster which are A4 size and bunting size (2 inchi x 6 inchi).

Here There Are:

2 inch x 6 inch


Main Actor, Cassandra (Hong Zi Lin)
Cassandra's Dad (Alvin Wong)and Mom (Janice Low)
Cassandra's Classmates (Mike, Shawn) 

Behind The Scene 

First of all, I thought making video is not as hard as what I think. However, it is not easy because we have to depend on the actors' timetable, how we manage the times and the camera angle and so forth. Besides that, there is difficult for us to find actor especially the parent because most of our relatives or friends are busy working and not be able to attend video shooting. Finally, we finished shooting within three days even though we are exhausted and the video we recorded was not as good as what I think but I am still happy because I have gained some experiences when making the video. I realized how important of the time management, the way communicate with group members and actors, the way we face the problem when it come suddenly. I would not regret what result I get because learn from mistake, change it and do it better next time! =)
This is the first time to use The App Builder. I am happy that I know where is the URL come from and what is the function. 
      My group members and I are planning for our video assignment after we have done with my paper work assignment. The topic we do is "Child Abuse". We will discuss about the video shooting such as the day, time and places that we are going to shoot for our video. The most important thing in our video is the main character, a little girl. It is quite difficult for us to find a little girl who is good in acting with flexible time. I asked for my niece who is good in acting but she have to ask for her parents for permission before we ask her to act. Her parents are still considering about whether to let their daughter as our main character because she is going to sit for her UPSR examination and ballet test soon. Besides that, she has extra tuition classes and has to attend school so we are afraid that she does not has the time to help us. 

      However, one of my group member is also asking for her cousin whether she can make it to act as the main character in our video. The parents are still considering whether to let their daughter to act because they are afraid that it will affect the little girl's studies and the problem of transportation as we need quite some time to shoot for this video. Her parents will give my group mate an answer after two or three days. After that, we will start shooting for our video. 

      Furthermore, our lecturer, Alex taught us the Final Cut Pro from last week to this week. He taught us a lot of the shortcut keys of the Final Cut Pro. However, it confused me because I am not good in editing video (honesty, it is my first time to edit a video). I think I need to ask for my friends or lecturer help as this video editing will become one of our quiz on July. 

Action: She is showing her mother her report card
Dialogue: -
Timing: 8s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Report card, Laptop
Action: When her mother opens her report card, she saw Cassandra's failed all the subjects.
Dialogue: - 
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Report Card
Action: She is very angry and throws away the report card.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up 
Props: Report card
Action: The report card is threw on the floor
Dialogue: -
Timing: 1s
Camera Angle:  Big close up
Props: Report card
Action: Cassandra's mother is pissed off and slaps her.
Dialogue: Mother: " why you can so stupid and get all failed!!" 
Timing: 2s 
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: It goes back to the hurting scene when Cassandra uses the penknife to cut her hand.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 1s
Camera Angle: -
Action: Teacher is teaching in the class
Dialogue: Teacher: "class, look at the whiteboard..."
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: Whiteboard, Cane, Tables, Chairs
Action: Everyone is concentrating on what teacher is teaching, but Cassandra is dozing off.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: Book, Table, Chair
Action: When final exam
Dialogue: -
Timing: 1s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Whiteboard
Action: Cassandra looks at her paper and don"t even know how to answer one question
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Exam paper
Action: She tries to do it, but she can't. So, she lies down on the table and sleeps. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Exam paper, Pencil, Eraser, Ruler
Action: The bell rings which means that the exam  ends.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: Bell 
Action: Cassandra walk out slowly from the classroom feeling disappointed on herself.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Close up, Pan left to pan right
Props: -
Action: She feels very sad.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: While she is doing revision in the class, she accidentally heard her classmates talking about her.
Dialogue: Classmates: "haha, did you know Cassandra......"
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Point of view
Props: Table, Chair, Book
Action: Her classmates is teasing and laughing at her that she did not have parents' care.
Student A: "Cassandra's parents do not love her at all, they didn't even come to watch her performance!!"
Student B:  "Yaya, so embarassing!!' 
Timing: 10s
Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Props: -
Action: After she heard all that, she turns her face back and stares at her classmates.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Eye level
Props: Table, Chair,Book, Pencil case
Action: She turns back, lies on the table and start  crying because she feels very upset.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Table, Chair
Action: On the performance day, she keep looking around at the back stage but she couldn't find her parents.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: It's her turn to perform
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Super long shot
Props: -
Action: She feels very upset while performing yet she still dance very well
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Eye level
Props: -
Action: The show ends. The audience clap their hand because of her nice performance. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: -
Action: The MC is giving the Best Award for the performance.
Dialogue: Host: "The Best Award goes to.... Cassandra!!!"
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: Cassandra is shocked when she heard her name from the speaker.
Dialogue: Host: "Cassandra's parents please come up to the stage and get this reward together with your daughter."
Timing: 6s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: -

Action: She walks alone to the stage and takes the reward.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Continuity 
Props: -
Action: Even though she gets the Best Reward but she feels upset because her parents didn't keep their promise. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -