Action: Teacher is teaching in the class
Dialogue: Teacher: "class, look at the whiteboard..."
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: Whiteboard, Cane, Tables, Chairs
Action: Everyone is concentrating on what teacher is teaching, but Cassandra is dozing off.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: Book, Table, Chair
Action: When final exam
Dialogue: -
Timing: 1s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Whiteboard
Action: Cassandra looks at her paper and don"t even know how to answer one question
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Exam paper
Action: She tries to do it, but she can't. So, she lies down on the table and sleeps. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Exam paper, Pencil, Eraser, Ruler
Action: The bell rings which means that the exam  ends.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: Bell 
Action: Cassandra walk out slowly from the classroom feeling disappointed on herself.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Close up, Pan left to pan right
Props: -
Action: She feels very sad.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -

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