
Main Actor, Cassandra (Hong Zi Lin)
Cassandra's Dad (Alvin Wong)and Mom (Janice Low)
Cassandra's Classmates (Mike, Shawn) 

Behind The Scene 

First of all, I thought making video is not as hard as what I think. However, it is not easy because we have to depend on the actors' timetable, how we manage the times and the camera angle and so forth. Besides that, there is difficult for us to find actor especially the parent because most of our relatives or friends are busy working and not be able to attend video shooting. Finally, we finished shooting within three days even though we are exhausted and the video we recorded was not as good as what I think but I am still happy because I have gained some experiences when making the video. I realized how important of the time management, the way communicate with group members and actors, the way we face the problem when it come suddenly. I would not regret what result I get because learn from mistake, change it and do it better next time! =)