Action: On the performance day, she keep looking around at the back stage but she couldn't find her parents.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: It's her turn to perform
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Super long shot
Props: -
Action: She feels very upset while performing yet she still dance very well
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Eye level
Props: -
Action: The show ends. The audience clap their hand because of her nice performance. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: -
Action: The MC is giving the Best Award for the performance.
Dialogue: Host: "The Best Award goes to.... Cassandra!!!"
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: Cassandra is shocked when she heard her name from the speaker.
Dialogue: Host: "Cassandra's parents please come up to the stage and get this reward together with your daughter."
Timing: 6s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: -

Action: She walks alone to the stage and takes the reward.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Continuity 
Props: -
Action: Even though she gets the Best Reward but she feels upset because her parents didn't keep their promise. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -

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