Action: Cassandra's daddy is sitting in front of the laptop doing his stuff.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Bird's eyes
Props: Laptop, Chair, Table, Documents
Action: Cassandra ask her daddy whether he is free to attend her performance on the weekend.
Dialogue: Cassandra: "Daddy, I have dancing performance in this weekend, can you and mummy come to watch my performance?"
Timing: 10s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Laptop, Documents, Table, Chair
Action: Her daddy answer her very silently.
Dialogue: 'mmmm'
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Laptop, Documents, Chair, Table
Action: Cassandra feel very happy because her daddy promised to watch her performance. 
Dialogue: 'Yeah!!!'
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: She is autistic thinking what will happen on that day.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Tables, Books
Action: She imagines her parents taking picture with her happily after her performance.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium long shot
Props: Camera
Action: Cassandra is sleeping at night
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Zoom out to zoom in
Props: Bed, Teddy bear
Action: In the middle of the night, she was awake by some noises
Dialogue: Parent: "#$@^&#*%....."
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Props: -
Action: She walks out from her room to find out where do the noises came from
Dialogue: -
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Medium long shot
Props: -
Action: She then found out that the noises are from her parent's room so she stands outside of the door and thinking whether to go in and have a look. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: Finally, she decided to open the door cautiously. 
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: Her parents are arguing about their business stuff
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Point of view
Props: -
Action: She runs to her parents and try to stop them from arguing. 
Dialogue: Cassandra: ' STOP!!!! ' 
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Medium close up 
Props: -
Action: Her parents are scolding her.
Dialogue: Mum: 'Shut up!' Dad: 'Non of your business, go aside!'
Timing: 10s 
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: Her parents push her away and continue fighting.
Dialogue: Parent: "&^Y&%R^$E%......"
Timing: 5s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: -
Action: Cassandra's parents send her to the relative's house
Dialogue: - 
Timing: 10s
Camera Angle: Point of view
Props: Car
Action: Her parents are passing her hand to the relative
Dialogue: - 
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Extreme close up
Props: -
Action: Cassandra is looking back her parents
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Point of view
Action: Cassandra feels disappointed and does not willing to leave her parents
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: -
Action: -
Dialogue: -
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Pan left to pan right
Props: -
Action: Cassandra is feeling depress
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Long shot
Props: Photos,Chair,Table
Action: Cassandra's hand is bleeding
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Eye-level
Props: Photos, Blood
Action: Cassandra is trying to suicide
Dialogue: -
Timing: 4s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Knife, Table
Cassandra is a 11 years old girl who came from a very rich family. She lives in a big bungalow in a garden where most of the rich people are staying. Although her parents are rich, she does not feel happy at all. Her parents are always busy with their work and do not care about her. One day, Cassandra sit in front of the desk seeing all the photos she took with her parents when she was young. She feels so sad and keep talking to herself when she was looking at the photos. She keep asking herself that why her parents do not care about her now compared to last time. When seeing the photos, she keep crying and throw the photos one by one on the floor. She uses a penknife to hurt her hand and her blood keep dripping on the photos.
Scene: 1
Character: Cassandra
Location: Cassandra house
Props: Photos, Penknife
*Flash Back*
Every weekends, Cassandra's parents will send her to their relative house in the morning to ask the relative to take care of her. When they reach their relative house, her parents hand her to the relative. She feel so reluctant to let go her parents hand but still she was force to let go. Cassandra's auntie took over Cassandra's hand and take her into the house. While walking in to the house, Cassandra feel very sad and keep looking behind hoping that her parents will look at her and will take her home. But after her parents hand her to the relative, they just walk back to their car without looking back at her.
Scene: 2
Characters: Cassandra,  Cassandra's Parents, Cassandra's Auntie
Location: Relative's House
*Flash Back*
One day when Cassandra's dad was doing his work in front of his laptop, Cassandra go forward to ask her dad whether he and her mother can go to her school on the next day to see her performance. Her dad just answer her okay without really paying attention on what she said but Cassandra thought that her dad promised her that he will go to see her performance. She was so happy and hop back to her room happily. When she was back in her room, she started to imagine about the next day. She imagined that her parents will go and see her performance and when she get an award, her parents are there to take pictures with her.
Scene: 3
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Parents
Location: Cassandra's Room, Cassandra's Parents' Room
*Flash Back*
One day when Cassandra's dad was doing his work in front of his laptop, Cassandra go forward to ask her dad whether he and her mother can go to her school on the next day to see her performance. Her dad just answer her okay without really paying attention on what she said but Cassandra thought that her dad promised her that he will go to see her performance. She was so happy and hop back to her room happily. When she was back in her room, she started to imagine about the next day. She imagined that her parents will go and see her performance and when she get an award, her parents are there to take pictures with her.
Scene: 4
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's dad
Location: Cassandra's House
Props: Laptop
*Flash Back*
On the next day, before Cassandra performs, she keeps looking at the entrance from the back stage. She was waiting for her parents to come but until her turn to perform, her parents still did not show up. Cassandra feel so sad and disappointed. She danced sadly on the stage. After dancing, the audience clapped their hands because Cassandra dance very well because she is good in dancing ballet. When the teacher announced the best award, he called out Cassandra's name. She was so shocked that she got the award. The teacher also asked her parents to come up the stage to take pictures with Cassandra but then her parents were not there. Cassandra slowly walk up to the stage with a sad and disappointed feeling.
Scene: 5
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Teacher, Students and Parents
Location: School Hall
*Flash Back*
In school, all her friends talk bad about her behind of her back and keep laughing. She heard that her friends were saying  although she is rich, her parents do not care about her. Even when she perform on stage, her parents didn't come to see her. Cassandra stared at them and feels very sad. She cried and put her head down on her desk.
Scene: 6
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Classmates
Location: Classroom
*Flash Back*
Cassandra does not pay attention in class when teachers are teaching. She always sleep and day dream when there were classes. During exam, she did not know how  to answer the questions so she choose to give up on her exams. She sleeps after seeing the questions. When the bell rang, she only wake up and pass up the blank paper. Then she slowly walk out of the classroom. 
Scene: 7
Characters: Cassandra, Teachers, Students
Location: Classroom
Props: Exam Paper
Flash Back*
When teacher gave back the grade book, Cassandra took it and gave it to her mother. When her mum open her report card, she saw her daughter failed all the subjects and got the last position in her class. Cassandra's mum was so angry and she keep scolding her asking why did she get such bad results. Then, she throw the report card on the floor and slapped Cassandra.
Scene: 8
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Mum
Location: Cassandra's House
Props: Report Card
Cassandra feels very hopeless. She got no one that care about her. Because of all this, Cassandra has mental problem and depression. She always hide herself in the room, talks to herself and keep hurting herself with penknife when she was looking at the photos.
Scene: 9
Characters: Cassandra
Location: Cassandra's Room
Props: Penknife
1. NGO - Protect and Save the Children:-
2. E-mail:-
3. Approval Letter:-
4. Content of Interview:-  

          Our group went to a NGO which is P.S The Children on the 16th April 2013 at 1.30 p.m. to have a short interview with their program coordinator, Mr. Vijay. We actually wanted to have a voice recording throughout the interview but Mr. Vijay does not encourage us to do so. So we just write down the information he gives. P.S The Children is an organization that envisions a society that upholds the rights and dignity if all children through protection from sexual abuse and sexual exploitation. They create safer communities by establishing effective prevention education as well as by providing treatment and support services for child survivors and their families. 
       The organization aim is on three sections which are pre-school (4-6 years old), Primary (7-12 years old) and secondary (13-17 years old). Mr. Vijay told us that there are three types of abuse which are verbally, visually and physically abuse. Most of the people think that sexual abuse is raping or molesting the child but it is not right. Raping is not only sexual abuse, other form of abusing also include showing pornography, sending messages, talking to the child in inappropriate way, online bullying and etc. At most of the time, family members are the ones who abuse their children. According to research, 44.3% of the abuser is the child’s parents whereas 89% are the people who know the child such as neighbors, stepfather or stepmother, relatives and strangers. The causes of child abuse are usually parents who do not have good relationships. They get angry and mad easily and release stress on their children by abusing them. Sometimes, parents think that earning money is more important, they leave their children to neighbors to take care. Neglecting their child is also a kind of abuse. Most of the time, parents think that they are the one who have control on their child. They could not handle their work outside so when they come back home, they release their stress on the child. 
       Based on Mr. Vijay’s experience, child abuse will affect the development of the child. If the child did not be treated correctly, they will commit suicide, involve in alcoholism, hurting themselves, became hyper sexualize and even become abuser when they grow up. It might also affect their reproductive system; have impact on their self esteem which makes them not trusting people in the future. P.S The Children usually heal the children by undergoing treatment. They heal the children by making them to think positive and continue with their life. This organization often has talks and workshop about child abuse. They give information, knowledge and awareness to people to be more concern about this issue. Besides that, they also encourage people to listen and trust the children when they voice out that they were being abused. Trust is very important for children. Mr. Vijay says that people should build trust among the children so that if they were being abused, they have to courage to voice out. Children need support from people especially their parents. If neighbors found out that the child has the sign of being abused, they can call the child line which is 15999 to report the case.


We are choosing “Child Abuse” as our group topic after discussion. Child abuse can be defined as hurting a kid or making them do things that are beyond human logic that harms them no matter physically or mentally. For the people who are actually “performing” the child abuse cases, they do not think that it is a bad thing as what they thought of is that the children deserves the punishment and the way they punish the children are normally over exaggerated. Child abuse can be differentiated in many forms of abuse such as mental and physical abuse. The most common cases that are reported in our country about child abuse are violence towards children and sexual crimes. The percentage of children abuse in Malaysia has drastically increased by 17.8% since 2011.

The reason why a parents, guardian or other people that involves in child abuse to actually “perform” the act is that they see children as a vulnerable and tends to not to defend themselves easily. Financially poor family is also the reason of child abuse, because the parents or guardian are stressed over it. They do not care of the child welfare and if they are stressed by the child such as complaints from them, they will not hesitate to abuse the child to relieve their stress. The other reason of child abuse is because of the lack of knowledge on how to take care of the children correctly. This is caused mostly because they were also a victim of child abuse when they were young, the thought of the children should get abused when they did something wrong has made them also do the same thing to the children.

There are many cases of child abuse that has been recorded in Malaysia. Some of the criminal has been caught but some of them still run freely in society. One of the most famous and sick child abuse case that has been reported recently is about the maid named Yuliana whom is just 23 years old bashing a four-month-old baby that she suppose to take care of while the employer is not in the house. She was caught red-handed by the security camera that is installed in the house. According to the family that hires the maid, she was just started working with the family not long ago, because of the insecurity, the family installed the camera around the house and luckily she was caught red-handed when she was abusing the child which the act may cause death to the infants. 

In conclusion, there are many effects of the child abuse. The effects may be in short term as when they grow mature, it won’t haunt them anymore. Assuming if they did not understand the reason of the abuse that were done by them, this will cause them to be hurt mentally and for this cases, it will be a long term or maybe permanent results of the abuse. Some of the child abuse cases results the victims to be found dead. Children are the future of our country and we should not use abusive methods to punish them. Although they are vulnerable human beings, we should not take advantage by hurting them when they can’t even defend themselves. We should also know that a child also applies to the human right that is stated in law. Don’t think they are not capable to make their own decision then we will have the reason to abuse them. Be a responsible person by giving the children a comfortable place and environment to stay and live so that they will grow happily and peacefully.

Malaysia is getting dangerous due to some social issues. There are main five common social issues as below:
Unemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work. In the technologically advanced era, workers are replaced by machines or other advanced technology. This causes the workers lack of employment opportunities in Malaysia. Besides that, labors from Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippine, Bangladesh are coming to Malaysia for job opportunities. The reason why the foreign workers are increasing years after years because they are cheaper than workers in Malaysia. 

Nowadays, the crime rate has been increasing, and there have been a lot of cases like robberies, snatch thieves, and rapes happening in Malaysia. It is because of some people are lazy to look for jobs or they are looking for easy jobs opportunity. Moreover, labors from other countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh and so on are getting crowded in Malaysia. These will increase the crime rate as they will lose job very easily. Thus, they will try to be a robber or a thief.

Unwanted Pregnancy  
Unwanted pregnancy is growing years after years, making it as a major concern in Malaysia today. Unwanted pregnancy happened for many reasons. Some of them could be resulted from being raped since the society in Malaysia is getting dangerous nowadays; some of them could not be able to get contraceptives in coitus because they are too young, irresponsible and careless, or the contraceptives they use do not work. A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood as it is difficult to supporting a child. Therefore, they may decide that a voluntary abortion or child abuse. This could be a disaster not only for her but also for the child. 

Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference produce an inherent superiority of a particulars race.  For example, in Malaysia, Indians are being looked down as they are poor and dark skin. In the meanwhile, people think their race is better than other people, thus, they discriminate and stereotype them like how Chinese only care about money and selfish, Indians are gangsters and are poor people, Malays are lazy and stupid, and so on. 

Traffic Congested 
In 21st century, most of the young people are getting cars when they are 18. They are driving their cars to college or university every day, because of convenience, and therefore they do not consider carpooling as an option. This will cause the road congested because too many cars driving in the same time on the road. Meanwhile, the transportation system in Malaysia is poor. There are few examples to show that how poor the transportation here is like KTM is always being late, monorail and LRT only can stop by in some of the area of city in Malaysia, and so on.