Malaysia is getting dangerous due to some social issues. There are main five common social issues as below:
Unemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work. In the technologically advanced era, workers are replaced by machines or other advanced technology. This causes the workers lack of employment opportunities in Malaysia. Besides that, labors from Indonesia, Cambodia, Philippine, Bangladesh are coming to Malaysia for job opportunities. The reason why the foreign workers are increasing years after years because they are cheaper than workers in Malaysia. 

Nowadays, the crime rate has been increasing, and there have been a lot of cases like robberies, snatch thieves, and rapes happening in Malaysia. It is because of some people are lazy to look for jobs or they are looking for easy jobs opportunity. Moreover, labors from other countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh and so on are getting crowded in Malaysia. These will increase the crime rate as they will lose job very easily. Thus, they will try to be a robber or a thief.

Unwanted Pregnancy  
Unwanted pregnancy is growing years after years, making it as a major concern in Malaysia today. Unwanted pregnancy happened for many reasons. Some of them could be resulted from being raped since the society in Malaysia is getting dangerous nowadays; some of them could not be able to get contraceptives in coitus because they are too young, irresponsible and careless, or the contraceptives they use do not work. A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood as it is difficult to supporting a child. Therefore, they may decide that a voluntary abortion or child abuse. This could be a disaster not only for her but also for the child. 

Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial difference produce an inherent superiority of a particulars race.  For example, in Malaysia, Indians are being looked down as they are poor and dark skin. In the meanwhile, people think their race is better than other people, thus, they discriminate and stereotype them like how Chinese only care about money and selfish, Indians are gangsters and are poor people, Malays are lazy and stupid, and so on. 

Traffic Congested 
In 21st century, most of the young people are getting cars when they are 18. They are driving their cars to college or university every day, because of convenience, and therefore they do not consider carpooling as an option. This will cause the road congested because too many cars driving in the same time on the road. Meanwhile, the transportation system in Malaysia is poor. There are few examples to show that how poor the transportation here is like KTM is always being late, monorail and LRT only can stop by in some of the area of city in Malaysia, and so on.

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