We are choosing “Child Abuse” as our group topic after discussion. Child abuse can be defined as hurting a kid or making them do things that are beyond human logic that harms them no matter physically or mentally. For the people who are actually “performing” the child abuse cases, they do not think that it is a bad thing as what they thought of is that the children deserves the punishment and the way they punish the children are normally over exaggerated. Child abuse can be differentiated in many forms of abuse such as mental and physical abuse. The most common cases that are reported in our country about child abuse are violence towards children and sexual crimes. The percentage of children abuse in Malaysia has drastically increased by 17.8% since 2011.

The reason why a parents, guardian or other people that involves in child abuse to actually “perform” the act is that they see children as a vulnerable and tends to not to defend themselves easily. Financially poor family is also the reason of child abuse, because the parents or guardian are stressed over it. They do not care of the child welfare and if they are stressed by the child such as complaints from them, they will not hesitate to abuse the child to relieve their stress. The other reason of child abuse is because of the lack of knowledge on how to take care of the children correctly. This is caused mostly because they were also a victim of child abuse when they were young, the thought of the children should get abused when they did something wrong has made them also do the same thing to the children.

There are many cases of child abuse that has been recorded in Malaysia. Some of the criminal has been caught but some of them still run freely in society. One of the most famous and sick child abuse case that has been reported recently is about the maid named Yuliana whom is just 23 years old bashing a four-month-old baby that she suppose to take care of while the employer is not in the house. She was caught red-handed by the security camera that is installed in the house. According to the family that hires the maid, she was just started working with the family not long ago, because of the insecurity, the family installed the camera around the house and luckily she was caught red-handed when she was abusing the child which the act may cause death to the infants. 

In conclusion, there are many effects of the child abuse. The effects may be in short term as when they grow mature, it won’t haunt them anymore. Assuming if they did not understand the reason of the abuse that were done by them, this will cause them to be hurt mentally and for this cases, it will be a long term or maybe permanent results of the abuse. Some of the child abuse cases results the victims to be found dead. Children are the future of our country and we should not use abusive methods to punish them. Although they are vulnerable human beings, we should not take advantage by hurting them when they can’t even defend themselves. We should also know that a child also applies to the human right that is stated in law. Don’t think they are not capable to make their own decision then we will have the reason to abuse them. Be a responsible person by giving the children a comfortable place and environment to stay and live so that they will grow happily and peacefully.

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