Cassandra is a 11 years old girl who came from a very rich family. She lives in a big bungalow in a garden where most of the rich people are staying. Although her parents are rich, she does not feel happy at all. Her parents are always busy with their work and do not care about her. One day, Cassandra sit in front of the desk seeing all the photos she took with her parents when she was young. She feels so sad and keep talking to herself when she was looking at the photos. She keep asking herself that why her parents do not care about her now compared to last time. When seeing the photos, she keep crying and throw the photos one by one on the floor. She uses a penknife to hurt her hand and her blood keep dripping on the photos.
Scene: 1
Character: Cassandra
Location: Cassandra house
Props: Photos, Penknife
*Flash Back*
Every weekends, Cassandra's parents will send her to their relative house in the morning to ask the relative to take care of her. When they reach their relative house, her parents hand her to the relative. She feel so reluctant to let go her parents hand but still she was force to let go. Cassandra's auntie took over Cassandra's hand and take her into the house. While walking in to the house, Cassandra feel very sad and keep looking behind hoping that her parents will look at her and will take her home. But after her parents hand her to the relative, they just walk back to their car without looking back at her.
Scene: 2
Characters: Cassandra,  Cassandra's Parents, Cassandra's Auntie
Location: Relative's House
*Flash Back*
One day when Cassandra's dad was doing his work in front of his laptop, Cassandra go forward to ask her dad whether he and her mother can go to her school on the next day to see her performance. Her dad just answer her okay without really paying attention on what she said but Cassandra thought that her dad promised her that he will go to see her performance. She was so happy and hop back to her room happily. When she was back in her room, she started to imagine about the next day. She imagined that her parents will go and see her performance and when she get an award, her parents are there to take pictures with her.
Scene: 3
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Parents
Location: Cassandra's Room, Cassandra's Parents' Room
*Flash Back*
One day when Cassandra's dad was doing his work in front of his laptop, Cassandra go forward to ask her dad whether he and her mother can go to her school on the next day to see her performance. Her dad just answer her okay without really paying attention on what she said but Cassandra thought that her dad promised her that he will go to see her performance. She was so happy and hop back to her room happily. When she was back in her room, she started to imagine about the next day. She imagined that her parents will go and see her performance and when she get an award, her parents are there to take pictures with her.
Scene: 4
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's dad
Location: Cassandra's House
Props: Laptop
*Flash Back*
On the next day, before Cassandra performs, she keeps looking at the entrance from the back stage. She was waiting for her parents to come but until her turn to perform, her parents still did not show up. Cassandra feel so sad and disappointed. She danced sadly on the stage. After dancing, the audience clapped their hands because Cassandra dance very well because she is good in dancing ballet. When the teacher announced the best award, he called out Cassandra's name. She was so shocked that she got the award. The teacher also asked her parents to come up the stage to take pictures with Cassandra but then her parents were not there. Cassandra slowly walk up to the stage with a sad and disappointed feeling.
Scene: 5
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Teacher, Students and Parents
Location: School Hall
*Flash Back*
In school, all her friends talk bad about her behind of her back and keep laughing. She heard that her friends were saying  although she is rich, her parents do not care about her. Even when she perform on stage, her parents didn't come to see her. Cassandra stared at them and feels very sad. She cried and put her head down on her desk.
Scene: 6
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Classmates
Location: Classroom
*Flash Back*
Cassandra does not pay attention in class when teachers are teaching. She always sleep and day dream when there were classes. During exam, she did not know how  to answer the questions so she choose to give up on her exams. She sleeps after seeing the questions. When the bell rang, she only wake up and pass up the blank paper. Then she slowly walk out of the classroom. 
Scene: 7
Characters: Cassandra, Teachers, Students
Location: Classroom
Props: Exam Paper
Flash Back*
When teacher gave back the grade book, Cassandra took it and gave it to her mother. When her mum open her report card, she saw her daughter failed all the subjects and got the last position in her class. Cassandra's mum was so angry and she keep scolding her asking why did she get such bad results. Then, she throw the report card on the floor and slapped Cassandra.
Scene: 8
Characters: Cassandra, Cassandra's Mum
Location: Cassandra's House
Props: Report Card
Cassandra feels very hopeless. She got no one that care about her. Because of all this, Cassandra has mental problem and depression. She always hide herself in the room, talks to herself and keep hurting herself with penknife when she was looking at the photos.
Scene: 9
Characters: Cassandra
Location: Cassandra's Room
Props: Penknife

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