Action: Cassandra's daddy is sitting in front of the laptop doing his stuff.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Bird's eyes
Props: Laptop, Chair, Table, Documents
Action: Cassandra ask her daddy whether he is free to attend her performance on the weekend.
Dialogue: Cassandra: "Daddy, I have dancing performance in this weekend, can you and mummy come to watch my performance?"
Timing: 10s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Laptop, Documents, Table, Chair
Action: Her daddy answer her very silently.
Dialogue: 'mmmm'
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Big close up
Props: Laptop, Documents, Chair, Table
Action: Cassandra feel very happy because her daddy promised to watch her performance. 
Dialogue: 'Yeah!!!'
Timing: 3s
Camera Angle: Close up
Props: -
Action: She is autistic thinking what will happen on that day.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium close up
Props: Tables, Books
Action: She imagines her parents taking picture with her happily after her performance.
Dialogue: -
Timing: 2s
Camera Angle: Medium long shot
Props: Camera

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