My group members and I are planning for our video assignment after we have done with my paper work assignment. The topic we do is "Child Abuse". We will discuss about the video shooting such as the day, time and places that we are going to shoot for our video. The most important thing in our video is the main character, a little girl. It is quite difficult for us to find a little girl who is good in acting with flexible time. I asked for my niece who is good in acting but she have to ask for her parents for permission before we ask her to act. Her parents are still considering about whether to let their daughter as our main character because she is going to sit for her UPSR examination and ballet test soon. Besides that, she has extra tuition classes and has to attend school so we are afraid that she does not has the time to help us. 

      However, one of my group member is also asking for her cousin whether she can make it to act as the main character in our video. The parents are still considering whether to let their daughter to act because they are afraid that it will affect the little girl's studies and the problem of transportation as we need quite some time to shoot for this video. Her parents will give my group mate an answer after two or three days. After that, we will start shooting for our video. 

      Furthermore, our lecturer, Alex taught us the Final Cut Pro from last week to this week. He taught us a lot of the shortcut keys of the Final Cut Pro. However, it confused me because I am not good in editing video (honesty, it is my first time to edit a video). I think I need to ask for my friends or lecturer help as this video editing will become one of our quiz on July. 

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